HPA Minutes

Regular Meeting – June 10, 2008

Minutes of the Bourbon County

Regular Meeting – June 10, 2008


Don Miller called the June 10, 2008 meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. at the Old Congregational Church. He welcomed the following directors to the meeting:

Judy Howser, Reed Hartford, Marlene Braker, Martha Jane Gentry, Don Miller and Joyce Gobl. Those not able to attend were: Janice Fewins and Jenny Yoder, due to a death in the family, and Colette Davis, who is confined until her baby is born.

Secretary’s Report. This report was e-mailed to the board members. Reed moved the Secretary’s report be approved as written. Marlene Braker seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report. Marlene presented the financial reports. Reed Hartford moved the Treasurer’s report be approved. Judy Howser seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Ingham Building.  The transaction is due to close June 10, 2008. Arnold will take care of this.

Old Congregational Church Sign.

Membership Chairman- Discussion was held in regard to having someone on the board in charge of the membership. Martha Jane Gentry volunteered to take over this position.

New Business

Reed Hartford talked about the purchase of the bell on Engine 99. After discussion, Martha Jane moved we table this item until the next meeting on whether or not to purchase the bell. Marlene seconded. Motion carried.

Insurance Claim on Old Congregational Church

Don got an estimate for the water damage done to the ceiling and restroom at OCC. The estimate was $1,159.22. No action taken.

Flo Rector

Flo has been calling frequently and is wanting to go back to work in July. She will be contacted.

There being no other business to come before the board, the Vice President called for a motion to adjourn. Reed Hartford moved we adjourn. Judy Howser seconded. Motion carried. Next meeting – Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the Old Congregational Church.

Respectfully submitted,


Joyce Gobl



Minutes of the Bourbon County

Historic Preservation Association Regular Meeting – Monday, May 12, 2008

The May 12, 2008, regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Association Board was held at the Old Congregational Church. Arnold Schofield, President, called the meeting to order a bit later than the usual 7:00 p.m. scheduled time. He welcomed the following board members to the meeting including Marlene Braker, Martha Jane Gentry, Reed Hartford, Colette Davis, Janice Fewins, Don Miller, Judy Howser, & Joyce Gobl. He also welcomed Carolyn Crystal as a new Board member. Unable to attend was Robin Hixson and Jenny Yoder.

The President also thanked the board members for all help, prior to the meeting, to move artifacts out of the dampness at the Old Congregational Church floor due to a water overflow situation in the upstairs restroom. Some boxes and papers were saturated, and needed to be destroyed. It was not determined how much of the ceiling and other parts of the church room had water damage. Don will report the loss to the insurance agent.

Secretary’s Report – Minutes of the April 15th meeting were distributed. After corrections were made, Colette Davis moved the minutes be accepted as amended. Reed Hartford seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – The financial report from Marlene Braker was distributed. Janice Fewins moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted as written. Colette Davis seconded. Motion Carried.

OLD BUSINESS Sale of Ingham Building.  Arnold reported the Ingham Building sold for $40,000. and, in addition, the new owners made a donation of $8,000. to HPA. Don reported all the contents and artifacts were now out of the Ingham Building and stored either in the depot or Old Congregational Church. He also reported Don Woods’ bill was under the bid originally given to us. The bill was $3,030.00. Of the typewriter collection, one was sold to Alan Chilton and another to Colette Davis.

New Church Sign. At the April meeting, the board approved a new sign to be made and placed in front of the Old Congregational Church. Martha Jane did not have the exact cost of the sign and will contact Tom Prue and have a report for the June meeting.

Turpen Tyme Ragtime Band. Arnold reported we had 46 paid admissions, donations from two banks and the balance of the performance fee was paid by an anonymous donation. There were bills from the Fort Scott Tribune.

Homes for the Holidays –Post cards for the advertising at Good Ol’ Days are being printed. Cost $50.00. Joyce reported we do not have all the houses needed for the December tour.

Church Use & Book Sales Don reported he has booked two weddings at the Old Congregational Church.

Membership – Arnold brought up the need to have a board member’s help with dues. Suggestions were to have a letter prepared and each board member would sign the letters to individuals they knew on the mailing list. It was the general opinion that we need to have some type of contact or mailing to increase membership. Will discuss further at the next meeting.

Vacancy on the Board - As of the June, 2008, meeting there will be two vacancies on the HPA Board of Directors. Robin Hixson has resigned due to the family moving to Louisburg, Kansas. Steve Mason has resigned also. Arnold asked for suggestions for new board members. Names of those suggested were: Kathy Dancer, Oliver Wright, Megan Felt, Gary Palmer, Merl Humphrey and Justin Meeks. These individuals will be contacted and a report for next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Disposal of rummage sale type stuff or consign to an auction.  After discussion, things that are considered rummage sale items stored at the church could be donated to the thrift store at 3rd and Crawford. Don Miller will take the rummage sale stuff to them.

Museum Collection –The museum collection now needs to be organized and cataloged. In the past Flo Rector has helped with the packing. Flo would like to have a month off prior to coming back to work. After discussion, Reed Hartford moved that we hire Flo as a contract worker and, if an assistant is needed, we will arrange for an additional person. Colette seconded. Motion carried. 

Web Site – Colette reported the web site is nearly done. Blog Spot.com is the site. It will include pictures.

Post Office Box – Marlene asked if we were using the post office box for mail now. Joyce will check the box regularly to see if we have any mail. Also a form needs to be signed to change address from the museum address to the post office box.

Next Meeting & Adjournment. Arnold announced the next meeting would be Tuesday, June 10th at 7 p.m. at the Old Congregational Church. Reed Hartford moved the meeting adjourn. Martha Jane Gentry seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Gobl


Adjourn – The President asked if there was any other business to come before the meeting. There being no additional business, Don Miller moved we adjourn. Martha Jane Gentry seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Gobl



Monday: May 12, 2008


OCC (Old Congregational Church)

I. Call to order 7:30 pm

II.Secretary's minutes

III. Treasurers report

IV. Old Buisness:   Sale of the Ingham Building, The "Big" move, New Church Sign, Turpen Tyme Ragtime Band Fundraiser, Homes for the Holidays, Church use and Book sales, Membership, New Director.

V. New Buisness: Sell or give away Old HPA calendars

VI. Museum collection: Organization of, Contrin Flo's salaried position.

Next Meeting: June 10th at 7pm.